Doctors please note: The formal request should be labeled : “MALE PELVIS”.
Age-related prostatomegaly (enlargement of the prostate)  can cause urination problems and frequent visits to the toilet.
BPH -Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (enlargement) isn’t thought to be a precursor to prostate cancer.
The urinary stream may be slow, stopping and starting.  If untreated, it can lead to infection, calculi in the bladder , and may affect kidney function.
A high PSA level – Prostate-specific antigen is a protein being over-produced by the prostate gland-  either due to BPH, recent stimulus, or may indicate possible prostate cancer.
       Ultrasound is used to check the size, and shape of the prostate gland , and can see lobulation/ wedging at the base(neck) of the bladder.
      The prostatic urethra travels through the prostate.
PREP. 1.  You must have a full bladder for your ultrasound. Empty your bladder only once 2 hours before the test (this is so that you do not have an uncomfortably overfull bladder at appointment time). Do not empty the bladder again. Then drink 1 litre of water (5 average cups) and finish it 1 hour before the test. Also drink another half litre (2 cups) half an hour before the test if you can. Do not empty your bladder until you are asked- for the post-voiding volume measurement. 
If your bladder is always partially full due to inability to empty it, then you may reduce the amounts of water to drink mentioned above.